I went to school early yesterday morning to get some more information on why my sciences don't "count" for the science category. Apparently only General Education sciences count in that category and Micro, A&P I and II do not count as General Ed sciences. Regardless of my opinion on the matter it's a hoop to jump through in order to graduate with an AA so I can transfer to my private university nursing program with no issue on individual credits being accepted or not.
Schedule looks like this.
Summer 2011
Fall 2011
General Chemistry
Developmental Psych
General Biology
Yikes, 3 sciences, going to be a busy semester! However, if I can pull it off that means I transfer to Private University with a Spring and Summer to work on odds and ends before starting the program the next fall.
Ohhh I see, you're looking to get your Associate Degree first then get into the BSN program. Well that still is sucky that they won't take those other sciences, but I guess you'll be a well rounded student and better off for it in the end. Yikes on the three sciences this fall, that’s going to be a lot of work, hang in there.