Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tissues/Integumentary: 4 & 5 of 13

Despite getting the second highest grade on the lecture exam, and the highest grade on the lab exam, I still did not manage to pull off an A for either test. I earned an 88 on the lecture, and a 91 on the practical, not as high as I was hoping for, not much I can do but try harder next time.

Class average after 5 exams: 96.8

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  1. Yahoo!!! You big Nerd!! (that is meant to be a compliment. :-)) Good for you. Keep it up.

  2. Man now I'm worried. Was it really hard to tell them apart? I made flashcards like you did. Our Ch 3-5 test is going to be in 2 weeks.

  3. I didnt have a problem learning the tissues from the book, but our lab practical was from slides sourced from other material and it was a lot more difficult to see the tissue architecture.

    Tissue identification was mostly ok, The only tissues I got wrong were hyaline cartilage and elastic cartilage, i reversed them on the test. The problem for me was diferentiating the lacuna from ground substrate.

  4. Also, she wanted us to be able to identify osteoblasts/clasts/fibroblasts and i totally choked on those three

  5. I would have never thought I would ever hear myself say this but I miss A&P. :(
    Lacuna is such a cool word.

    Don't pay attention to me, darling. Not nearly enough sleep. :P
